I absolutely love this project! Web Design is such a relevant course nowadays -- we do so much on the Internet; from writing, socializing, creating, and working, the web is vital to our everyday lives. Right now my students are learning HTML & CSS coding and soon we'll be moving onto building apps.
This self-portrait project, however, tasked students with researching Native American spirits and then choosing their own spirit to encompass in a self-portrait. We learned about surrealism from artists like Salvador Dali and Marc Chagall. Students learned advanced photoshopping techniques used by professional photo retouchers. You can see the quality in these self-portraits. Students also learned about file types and their relative sizes, differentiating between pngs and jpegs and also how high resolution differs from low resolution. Which spirit would you be?!
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About MeI teach art at Burlington High School in Burlington, Massachusetts. My goals include teaching my students to live and thrive with 21st century learning skills while helping them to learn valuable creative artistic thinking and technical skill. Art ContestsBHS Art DeptArt Dept RubricClassroom RulesCategories