Digital Publishing
Digital Publishing works much like a professional design firm. Students will work in the areas of design, marketing, business, and fashion to create real-world projects for clients.
![]() Background: Every year, the Burlington Athletics Association asks us to create the cover for the Athletic Booster Club. Boosters are a group that raises money for an organization. The book is a review of the high school's year in sports. Specs:
List of Sports: Baseball Basketball Cheering Cross Country Field Hockey Football Golf Gymnastics Hockey Lacrosse Soccer Softball Swimming & Diving Tennis Track & Field Volleyball Wrestling ![]()
Your assignment is to create a design for the BEF Exercise for Education 5K road race. BEF (Burlington Education Foundation) gives grants to educators to improve the quality of learning happening in the Burlington Public Schools District. Requirements for the T-Shirt design:
![]() This year is the annual BHS Art Show AND the return of the BHS Fashion Show. Be sure the text includes the following:
Prizes (images are here):
Every year, the senior class needs a logo for their T-shirt. This logo should be unique and fun in order to grab the attention of your classmates. Assignment: Your assignment is to create three variations for a senior class logo. Specs:
![]() The Program of Studies is a list of courses that Burlington High School offers. It also lists important graduation information. Every student and teacher sees the Program of Studies. In past years, it has been simple, clean, and only used the colors black, white, and red. Because we are going digital, the colors are now less limited. The POS will be posted online and a few will be printed for teachers and students. Mr. Attubato is our contact for this project. If you have any questions please email him at [email protected]. Specs
![]() Background: The yearbook theme should encompass symbols that relate to it. We want a contemporary, sleek design. DUE DATE: September 26 Description: You may design the cover in Photoshop, InDesign, or Illustrator, OR you may send me a photograph, drawing, painting, or any other type of artwork and a designer will design the text. Specs:
Click here for the yearbook template. Grading: