Fashion Design
In Fashion Design, students learn about the basics of fashion design while studying professional fashion practices. Students draw croquis', sew, and construct garments.
![]() Description Professional fashion designers sketch out their ideas on paper, but usually move onto the computer to create their final designs. Adobe Illustrator is an industry standard when creating digital croquis designs. This project will allow you to take your designs a step further, using highlights and shadows to create the illusion of 3-dimensions. Assignment Your assignment is to recreate your favorite sketchbook assignment from this past year in digital format. You will use Adobe Illustrator to trace a model and draw the garments. Steps
Grading Criteria Creativity Design Technical Quality Participation
Background: Textile design is the process of creating patterns for cloth. These patterns may be representational or non-representational. We spoke about this topic when we designed the patterned scarves this year. REPRESENTATIONAL (LITERAL) References objects or events in the real world. NON-REPRESENTATIONAL (ABSTRACT) No reference to anything recognizable. Project: Your assignment is to create a silkscreen design for a men's t-shirt that one of your male friends will wear for the fashion show. Please ask someone NOW so you are prepared with your model. Because this assignment is a bit messy, we will be starting a second project while we are still working on this project. This will work out so you are not waiting for a group to finish -- you can be working on the other project. Steps:
Things to Remember:
![]() Background Architects and scientists have been using 3-D printers for some years, but the Fashion industry has delved into this new practice. Reebok has begun to print shoes, jewelers are experimenting with jewelry designs, and 3-D printed outfits have been hitting the runways. Description Your assignment is to create a 3-D printed Fashion to be incorporated into another of your designs. The focal point of the garment should be the 3-D print. Steps
Things to Remember
Grading Criteria Technical Quality Design Innovativeness Participation Resources 3-D Printing Hits the Fashion Industry
![]() Background A flat drawing (or sometimes called technical drawing) helps communicate the precise specifications of each garment. A technical drawing depicts the item's structure in a simple line. They communicate balance, structure, and specifications. They usually show only the front and back (never the side view). Sometimes a flat drawing may include color. They are usually created on the computer, but all fashion designers should know how to create them with pencil and pen. Where have you seen a flat drawing before? Steps
![]() Background: Pattern drafting is very long and difficult and includes a lot of mathematical calculations. That is best to be saved if you decide to go further into fashion design in college. A good way to make your own designs is to alter previously made patterns into your own. I have chosen the dress on the left because it is a stylish dress that is easily altered. The pattern is by Vogue. Their patterns are designer, current, and fit the female figure well. Assignment: Your assignment is to alter the pattern on the left in order to create an original design. This dress should be altered no more than 50%. Additionally, your craftsmanship should be impeccable on the inside and outside. You will also be challenged to put in a zipper and hooks and eyes. Possible Ways to Alter the Pattern:
Grading Criteria:
![]() Read below for the description of the first croquis project. I will be grading you based upon your drawing skill and concept. Outfit Based Upon a Fairytale Princess: Everyone has a favorite fairytale. The reason that we are starting with this project is because all of Fashion is STORYTELLING. You are telling a story about the woman you are designing for and what her fashion dictates. Also, the choice of your fairytale character also tells us something about you: what you like, what you cherish, and what sorts of fashion suit you. Steps:
![]() Background Garment construction is an important process of fashion design. The techniques of clothing construction have been masted by seamstresses for decades. Those techniques have fallen by the wayside with our current younger generations. As fashion designers, you must learn those techniques and improve upon them. A fantastic way to learn is to jump into a project and learn by doing. Many sewers have learned that way. Assignment Your assignment is to create a personal garment of your choice. The garment must be made to measure your dimensions. The garment can be a dress, a blouse, a shirt, a coat, a skirt, etc. You must document your process with pictures. Use your ipad to take them. You can compile them into a slideshow using your favorite iPad app. Make sure you get a few with yourself in the photos. Written Component Write down the steps of the garment construction (be specific) and attach photographs of yourself in progress. You may use a video if you choose. Place the photographs and steps together in a document or create a slideshow with the text or your voice describing the steps. Grading Criteria Risk taking Creativity (altering the pattern where needed) Technical Quality (no loose threads, finishing is nice and clean) Participation Written Component and Process Photographs ![]() A croquis is a simple sketch of the figure used mostly for clothing design. The word "croquis" is French for "to sketch." The croquis is a means of communicating fashion and fashion concepts via an idealized fashion form. This form, which can be male or female measure nine to ten heads high. A normal human, measures seven to eight heads high. The legs are elongated for effect, but the proportions between the head the crotch retains realism with the human form. How to Sketch the Fashion Form Step-by-step The proportions of the fashion figure are easy to remember and the instructions easy to follow, but practice will make perfect.
Fleshing out the Fashion Figure Adding the curvy contours around the skeleton of the fashion form requires a little practice. Studying fashion figures in magazines will improve the drawing technique. This will help acquire a feel for this final process. Masculinity can be suggested by slightly broader shoulders and a little narrowing of the hips. The facial features will be more angular than the female features. Facial features should remain simplistic and suggestive, but could provide a signature to the individual artist. Postures of the Fashion Form Sketch Arms and legs can be pivoted to suggest different postures, and the proportions will be retained, for example, standing legs akimbo, or legs apart. The angle of the shoulders and the hips can be angled to suggest jauntiness. However, the proportions will not apply if there is any foreshortening effect, for example if any of the limbs are pointing towards or away from the viewer. Taken from |